How to start?
1. Open "SciTE" ( Start > Programs > Ruby-186-25 > SciTE ). We are using this editor to Write / Run our watir scripts.
Open notepad.(text editor)
2. The first line of script should be : require "watir". Where require is a keyword which specifies to load Library Files.
3. You should save scripts with ".rb" extension.
Simple Watir Example:
1. Open IE browser.
2. Navigate to
3. Enter ""
4. Click on "Google Search"
5. Validate result page with some keyword.
Watir Script:
2. The first line of script should be : require "watir". Where require is a keyword which specifies to load Library Files.
3. You should save scripts with ".rb" extension.
Simple Watir Example:
1. Open IE browser.
2. Navigate to
3. Enter ""
4. Click on "Google Search"
5. Validate result page with some keyword.
Watir Script:
Save below script as "simple_watir_example.rb"
require 'watir'
include Watir
require 'watir'
include Watir
myurl="" #setting variable # to open IE browser
ie.goto("") #Navigate browser to URL
ie.text_field(:name, "q").set myurl # Setting text field with variable
ie.button(:name, "btnG").click # Click on button
if ie.contains_text("WATIR Tutorial") # validating keyword on search results page
puts "Passed : Tutorial found."
Puts "Failed : Tutorial not foung."
puts "End of the script" #to print string on the console
Script Result:
>ruby simple_watir_example.rb
Passed : Tutorial found.
End of the script
>Exit code: 0 # to open IE browser
ie.goto("") #Navigate browser to URL
ie.text_field(:name, "q").set myurl # Setting text field with variable
ie.button(:name, "btnG").click # Click on button
if ie.contains_text("WATIR Tutorial") # validating keyword on search results page
puts "Passed : Tutorial found."
Puts "Failed : Tutorial not foung."
puts "End of the script" #to print string on the console
Script Result:
>ruby simple_watir_example.rb
Passed : Tutorial found.
End of the script
>Exit code: 0
1 comment:
This script does not seem to work. :(
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